Scoliosis Surgery: Preparation Steps and Surgical Risks

Preparing for Surgery

The spine surgeon, including his staff will guide the patient through this process. For example, the patient will be required to obtain 'medical clearance' from their primary care physician or pediatrician. This is required by the hospital to admit the patient for surgery.

Most patients are permitted to exercise to 'tolerance'. Preoperative conditioning will help speed postoperative recovery. Patients who smoke must stop as smoking interferes with fusion and increases the risk of anesthesia.

The patient is asked to donate their own blood (autologous) or have family members donate on their behalf (donor-designated) in many cases. The question as to how many units should be donated can be answered by your surgeon. To some extent, the decision is up to the patient / family and amounts to how much insurance you want to have to minimize the need for transfusion of blood from the blood bank.

Surgical Risks

This topic is covered not to frighten, but to provide some information about the potential risks of surgery. Keep in mind, the majority of patients who undergo surgery do so without serious complications. Several potential problems are outlined below.

For Full Story go to Spine Universe

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